Why do good managers quit?

Maybe your boss is too busy to notice everything you're doing, or your co-workers don't appreciate it. Whatever the reason, they can't help but feel undervalued. Managers' resignations are also the result of many professional and personal opportunities elsewhere. A third of managers who resigned in May did so for reasons of professional promotion, compared to only 19 percent in non-management positions, according to data from Gusto.

The company also surveyed all types of workers on its platform and found that their No. Nearly half said that the ability to work from home part or all of the time would be an important or the most important factor in determining whether they would accept a job offer in the future. Presumably, people in management positions are more likely to have jobs where they can work from home, meaning they are more likely to gain that flexibility in their current or future work. Overall, managers have spent much of the past two years, like everyone else, struggling to keep up with their workload while living through a pandemic with some additional stressors.

In a survey of managers, leadership software maker Humu found that retention and hiring were its two main challenges last year. Focus on human relationships in the workplace and create an environment where managers are happy to work every day. In terms of training, in particular, 92% of managers consider it important and 41% have received specific training for their position over the past month. It is important to note that management, especially executives, are better paid and, therefore, have more financial security than their positions, so they have more mobility to stop smoking.

Their exits greatly affect the people who work for them and the companies they work for, since both rely on managers to stabilize things in times of uncertainty. At first, someone might argue that companies where respondents said they did not receive management training do not offer any training to employees. Not to mention that recent research by analytics firm Visier shows that highly effective managers generate 48% more benefits for their organizations than average managers. Managers are also responsible for discussing, executing and enforcing the new policies that leaders have established as the world changes towards remote and hybrid work models.

When asked about the person to go to at work, 36% said that their managers are the ones they turn to when they need some kind of help at work. The data suggests that management resignations are not just a flash, but are likely to continue for some time. While some managers are perfectly happy to remain managers until they retire, some managers aspire to be much more. In addition to who plays the role of the safety net, one of the main concerns of managers is, of course, feedback.

They are managers and they are leaving behind quite good circumstances that should concern companies.

Ernest Dargatz
Ernest Dargatz

Freelance food geek. Bacon expert. Certified internet buff. Typical coffee nerd. Avid coffee evangelist.